
As built ford data
As built ford data

as built ford data

No matter what tooling or method I used, the result was aIways the same. Of course it was late in the day on a Friday, and what have should have been a simple re-write of the as built data into the replacement module went south with a B2477-module configuration fault and flashing ABS and TCS lights. I always communicate to the customer that with any used module, there is a chance that it will not work, and in this case I'm glad I did. Confident that a used replacement was a viable solution, I offered that option to the customer. At the time a new module was unavailable from Ford, on backorder with no expected fill date. This vehicle was at our shop about a year ago and the original ABS module had the common B1342-internal module fault. The fleet maintenance supervisor would send me used modules to have on hand, I carried multiple used ABS modules for a variety of Fords (Crown Vic's, Expeditions, Fusions, E and F series, etc.) as their fleet was and still is primarily Ford (except now its PSCM and BCM failures that are more common), so I've done a lot of them, and I can honestly say never once did I have an issue adapting a used ABS module on an old Ford, as long as the part number was a match, many of them were just plug and play. I have a contract with the state police, and those old Crown Vic's from that era would eat more modules than you could shake a stick at (PCM, ABS, IPC, FSSM-Fire Suppressant Module-Yes they had on-board fire suppressant systems!, etc.). From my own personal experience, I've never had any trouble obtaining or writing as built data during module replacement, new or used on this vintage Ford, whether through FMP, FJDS, or scan tool. This post may not be any new information, this type of case could be common for Forscan users for all I know, but it was a learning experience for me. Yes, I know as built data is a vehicle/module specific calibration file that gets written into a module during PMI that contains the specific characteristics for that particular module in that particular application, but I never thought deeper than that, like trying to decipher or edit the strings of data. I've never put a whole lot of thought into Ford's as built data, until now.

As built ford data